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3D tiskárny
NIKEE Pratele online ke shlednuti zdarma, Friends na nikee.net
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NIKEE HRY, superhry, 1000her, webhry, flash hry, hry online, hry zdarma
HRY2.eu - hry online, 1000her, mimoni, planeta mimonu, herna, webhry, herni, minihry
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biotechart.cz - animovane obrazky GIF z oblasti biologie, technologie a umeni
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3D modely ART

Fragment of a Figure at the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich

velikost souboru - 17MB

stáhnout soubor      3D vizualizace

Only the torso, head and arms remain of this figure. The head is tilted to the right, the left arm raised with the hand touching the back of the head just above the right ear and the left arm pointing towards the floor. Grooves delineate fingers on the right hand. Facial features have been sculpted. The mouth is open only showing the top set of teeth (not defined). Two holes pierce the eyes and holes are used to define the nostrils. Black pigment is used to define the eyes and brows. There is a faint suggestion of breasts. The figure is made of terracotta with a grey glaze. Red pigment fills the mouth, eyes, ears, around the nose, elbows and under the left arm. Black pigment covers the back of the head, right elbow and areas on the back. The top of the head is missing as well as part of the back of the head, the left arm and lower half of the figure. It is evident from the breaking points that the figure is hollow.

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