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3D modely ART

The Hunter and His Dog at The Collection, Lincoln, UK

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The Hunter and His Dog

John Gibson

19th Century

Stone, marble

Height, 147.5 cm; length, 58.5 cm; width, 99.1 cm

Accession #
LCNUG: 1927/139

Inscription: Joannes Gibson Faciebat

Statue of a nude man, bending to hold on to the collar of the hunting dog at his feet with his right hand. He carries a short batton in his left hand. A tree stump stands by his left leg.
This bronze sculpture by John Gibson was made in the 19th Century. It depicts a man, presumably a hunter, with his dog. The pose suggests that the man is about to release the dog to hunt for something. There are multiple versions of this sculpture, the most famous being in New York's Central Park- another bronze sculpture by John Quincy Adams Ward. It is a lifesize representation and is on permanent display at The Collection gallery in Lincoln.

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